Lake Mauvaise Terre is the back-up water supply for the City of Jacksonville, Illinois. It is impaired for numerous constituents, including phosphorus and sediment. Northwater was retained as the lead consultant to assist the American Farmland Trust (AFT) and city in executing an Illinois EPA funded Section 319 grant for planning and project implementation. Immediately following completion of a watershed plan and supplementary streambank erosion and in-lake dam feasibility study, Northwater helped to secure almost $700,000 in funding to install more than 200 individual treatment practices.
Northwater oversaw all implementation activities including engineering and design, administration, construction oversight and inspection, and project management. Over a 2-year period, more than 200 individual practices spanning 66 project sites were surveyed, designed, and constructed, more than originally proposed and under budget. Practices installed included:
It is estimated that this project achieved annual load reductions to the lake of 4,534 lbs for phosphorus, 16,674 for nitrogen, and 2,274 for sediment, substantially higher than originally projected.
Lake Mauvaise Terre Streambank Erosion & In-lake Dam Assessment
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