Following the completion of a detailed Waverly Lake Watershed Plan and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), Northwater worked with the City of Waverly and private landowners to submit an Illinois EPA Section 319 grant application for over $500,000 to fund specific plan recommendations. Funds were awarded in 2017 to install those strategic treatment practices that will have the greatest reduction in nutrient and sediment loads.
The work will be completed in 2019 and includes: water and sediment control basins, lake shoreline and streambank stabilization, ponds, filter strips, grass waterways, wetlands, grade control structures, and a strip-till incentive program.
Northwater was hired to manage all aspects of the implementation project, including landowner coordination, reporting, permitting, and the survey and design of each high-priority practice. Once completed, this project is estimated to reduce annual loading to the lake by 1,215 lbs for phosphorus, 1,216 tons of sediment, and 4,021 lbs of nitrogen.
We are happy to answer any questions you might have!