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Northwater Working with in Haiti Northwater is providing technical water engineering, construction supervision and hydrogeology expertise on several community-led water supply projects in Haiti for Haiti Outreach and Learn more about Haiti Outreach and Photo: Northwater Principal, James Adamson with co-founder Matt Damon in Haiti

Northwater Sends Supersting R8/IP to Haiti

Supersting R8 – Resistivity and Induced Polarization System to Haiti Northwater’s 8-channel resistivity and IP system will be in Haiti for an indeterminate amount of time to support several initiatives throughout the country to characterize groundwater resources and site drilling locations for water wells.  Learn more .  The equipment is also being applied for a […]

Groundwater Discovery Trou Louis Jeune

Groundwater Discovery to Serve Remote Coastal Community of Trou Louis Jeune, Haiti (via SBWire) Springfield, IL — (SBWIRE) — 04/03/2013 — The team of V3 Companies, Northwater Consulting and Haiti Outreach has drilled a successful high yield water well near the remote coastal community of Trou Louis Jeune. The discovery is part of a water […]

Pollutant Load Water Quality Model Completed for Illinois and Kaskaskia Rivers

Pollutant Load Water Quality Model Completed for the Illinois River & Kaskaskia River Watersheds Upon completing an advanced custom GIS based pollution load model for the State of Illinois, Northwater presented results to representatives of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Illinois EPA (IEPA), US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the University of […]

Stratagem EH4 Geophysics Study in Cite Soliel and Gressier

Stratagem EH4 CSAMT/MT – Deep Geophysical Groundwater Studies in Cite Soleil & Gressier Northwater just completed the field work for several deep groundwater exploration investigations in the Department Ouest in Haiti.  In Cite Soleil, we are working with Foratech to evaluate the possibility of deeper freshwater within  Miocene and Oligocene geology; the area is coastal […]

Groundwater Study near Arequipa, Peru

Geology & Groundwater Investigation, Arequipa Region of Peru James Adamson, PG and Stuart Dykstra just returned from a geologic/hydrogeologic investigation in Peru. The team covered hundreds of square km mapping the geologic formations of the desert plain and front range mountains around Arequipa for Viera Water Network. The biggest challenge in the plain is the prevalence […]

Groundwater Exploration Success!

Groundwater Exploration Success! After spending over USD$ 70,000 on many previous drilling attempts that resulted in brackish water or dry holes, a client contacted us to perform a 3-day hydrogeologic and geophysics investigation last fall to support a humanitarian housing development for residents displaced resulting from natural disasters. During the investigation, we discovered a geologic […]

Northwater Acquires Stratgem Electromagnetic Geophysical Equipment

Northwater Now Owns Geometrics Electromagnetic Geophysical Equipment, For Deep Subsurface Investigations In order to cost-effectively offer exploration geophysical services to our clients and partners, we have purchased a Stratagem EH4 Subsurface Electrical Conductivity Imaging System.  The equipment allows us to interpret subsurface resistivity conditions to depths up to 1,000 meters.  The technology is ideal for […]

Lake Carlinville Public Water Supply Improvement Project

Lake Carlinville Public Water Supply Improvement Project Northwater Consulting recently received a contract with HMG Engineers and the City of Carlinville, Illinois to assist with the execution of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Section 319 Water Quality grant.  Northwater is providing expertise and services related to the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to improve […]

Groundwater Geophysical Study Near Gonaives

Groundwater Exploration Geophysical Study near Gonaives, Haiti Northwater just returned from Haiti where we performed a groundwater exploration geophysical study using CSAMT/MT electromagnetic geophysical equipment.  The logistics of performing the study were challenging and arduous; nonetheless, challenges were overcome and the project was completed successfully. The purpose of the study is to help solve a severe […]

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